What Dogs Can not Eat-Toxic Food For Dogs

Updated in January, 2025 | By John Robert
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 Dogs are some of the most loyal and loving creatures on the planet. They protect us, comfort us, and offer endless amounts of love to us. Dogs are also just like humans they need to eat! But before you give your dog their food, you should take a look at this list of foods what dogs can not eat. So before you give your pup their next meal, keep these foods out of reach or they could suffer from health problems down the line.

foods dog can not eat

Dogs should not eat these things:

The below list of TOXIC FOOD FOR DOGS you pup should avoid.


-Onions and garlic

-Raw meat, fish, and poultry bones


-Macadamia Nuts:

-Garden chemicals such as weed killers and pesticides




1. Grapes and Raisins:

These fruits may seem healthy to you, but they can actually cause harm to your dog. Both grapes and raisins contain a toxin that is potentially fatal for dogs. It’s called ‘Grape/Raisin Toxicity’ and it causes renal failure in pets. This can be fatal if they don’t receive proper treatment.

2. Onions and Garlic

This is also a toxin that can make your dog very sick, which in some cases can lead to anemia or even death. Ingestion of only a few grams of onions for dogs may cause hemolytic anemia, where the red blood cells burst because of a lack of oxygen.

3. Raw Meat, Fish, and Poultry Bones:

Bones can cause injury if they get stuck in your dog’s throat or stomach. This could be very dangerous and you should take them to the vet immediately! Also, cooked bones can cause choking or splintering and puncturing of the digestive tract, which can also be dangerous.

4. Chocolate:

Every chocoholic knows that chocolate is bad for them- but did you know it’s bad for your dog too? It contains a chemical called ‘Theobromine’ and can cause renal failure in dogs if they eat too much of it.

5. Macadamia Nuts:

Can also give your dog a bad illness if they eat them. It’s called ‘Macadamia Nut Toxicity and it can cause your dog’s muscles to become weak, which leads to paralysis from the hips down. It can also cause digestive issues as well! So remember- no Macadamia nuts for your dog!


Your garden might look pretty, but it could be very dangerous to your pup too! If they eat something like weed killer or pesticides it can make them sick and even cause death. So remember- don’t let your dog eat from your garden!

7. Alcohol:

Just like humans, dogs should not drink alcohol. Alcoholic beverages and foods containing alcohol can cause vomiting and diarrhea as well as drunkenness and depression in pets. It could also lead to coma or even death if they consume too much of it. Alcohol is also very bad for dogs because it can change behavior and their heart rate will increase as well.

8. Xylitol:

This sugar substitute is very dangerous for not only your dog but also your children. It can cause a sudden drop in a dog’s blood sugar level and could lead to seizures or liver failure if ingested by the dog. So keep this stuff away from your dog.

the dangers of xylitol can cause diarrhea and vomiting, altered behavior, increased heart rate in dogs liver failure if ingested by the dog 

Article Reference[1]

9. Avocado:

Dogs can’t eat avocados because they’re toxic to them. Dogs have a digestive system that is very different from humans, and avocado’s toxicity comes from the persin in it, which can cause gastrointestinal distress in dogs.

Furthermore, the fruit contains high levels of fat that aren’t good for their coats or skin either. The oil content also makes it difficult for digestion – too much of it will give your dog diarrhea and vomiting if ingested often enough. It might be okay to feed your dog an occasional slice as a treat, but do so with caution!

The bottom line

Dogs can not eat raisins, grapes, chocolate cake, or onions. Dogs also cannot have milk because it is for humans and their stomachs are different than ours. These food items will make them sick so you need to be careful with what they ingest. As the owner of a dog, it’s your responsibility to provide healthy foods that won’t upset their stomachs when you’re cooking for them. This article has provided some insight on what dogs should eat but if you want more information then check out our blog post “What Food Can My Dog Eat?

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John Robert

John Robert is a Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT). Owner of the most gorgeous dog on the planet, developed an interest in dog nutrition after finding the best food for his pet's allergies. The most impactful motive of his life is educating dog owners about dog nutrition and improving the lives of pets.
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