Why Isn’t My Pomeranian Fluffy? And When Will They Be?

Updated in October, 2024 | By Emma Olson
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Why Isn't My Pomeranian Fluffy

Everyone knows that Pomeranians are one of the fluffiest dog breeds. They have thick, luxurious coat that begs to be petted.

So, if you’ve recently adopted a Pomeranian puppy, you might be wondering why their coat isn’t as fluffy as you expected.

Don’t worry, there are a few perfectly normal reasons why your Pomeranian puppy’s coat might not be as fluffy as you’d like.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of those reasons and offer some tips on how to help your pup get its full coat of fluff!

Why Does My Pomeranian Puppy Look Scruffy?

Some Pomeranian puppies look scruffy because they have not been groomed yet. Grooming a Pomeranian puppy helps to keep their coat looking neat and tidy.

Pomeranian puppies also may look scruffy because they are going through a shedding phase. This is normal and the puppy’s coat will eventually grow back in.

If you are concerned about your Pomeranian puppy’s appearance, you can always take them to a professional groomer for a trim.

Pomeranian puppies often lack their fluffy coat due to puppy uglies, as I already explained. Nevertheless, there are three more reasons to consider.

1. Your Pomeranian Puppy Is a Mixed Breed

One reason why your Pomeranian puppy’s coat might not be as fluffy as you’d like is that it could be a mixed breed.

While purebred Pomeranians are known for their thick, luxurious coats, mixed-breed pups can inherit coat traits from either or both parent breeds.

So, if your pup’s parents were not both purebred Pomeranians, their coats might be thinner and less fluffy than expected.

2. Your Pomeranian Puppy Has Black Skin Disease

Another reason why your Pomeranian puppy’s coat might not be as fluffy as you hoped is that it could have Black Skin Disease.

This condition is relatively rare in dogs but it can cause the hair follicles to produce abnormal hair that is thinner and less lustrous than normal.

If you suspect that your pup has Black Skin Disease, take them to the vet for an evaluation and treatment options.

3. Your Pomeranian Is Shedding

It’s also possible that your Pomeranian is simply shedding its baby hair. All dogs go through a shedding process when they reach adulthood but some breeds shed more than others.

Unfortunately, Pomeranians are known for being heavy shedders so that may be what’s going on with your pup.

If they are shedding, there’s no need to worry—their adult coat will eventually come in and it will be just as fluffy as you hoped!

How to Brush My Pomeranian Puppy’s Coat to Make It Fluffy?

If you want to help your Pomeranian puppy grow a thick, fluffy coat, there are a few things you can do!

First, make sure you’re brushing them regularly with a soft bristle brush designed specifically for dogs.

This will help remove any dead or loose hair and stimulate new hair growth.

You should also feed them a high-quality diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids—this will help promote a healthy coat from the inside out!


There are a few reasons why your Pomeranian puppy’s coat might not be as fluffy as you’d like but don’t worry—in most cases, it’s perfectly normal!

If you’re concerned about your pup’s coat health, take them to the vet for an evaluation.

In the meantime, try brushing them regularly with a dog-specific brush and feeding them a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids to help promote healthy hair growth!

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Emma Olson

As a graduate of Animal Nutrition, I am passionate about telling fellow dog lovers what they need to know about their dog food according to disease, age, and breeds. I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida, USA, and I enjoy writing blog posts about pet health.